Day 8
Please use TTRocks to continue to practice your 4 times tables - I'll be seeing who can answer questions on their 4's when we get back into school!
Let's carry on with our practice of word problems! Now we've practiced one step word problems for a couple of days we're now moving on to two step word problems. Remember, these will often get you to do two different types of maths, so be on the lookout for that vocabulary that gives you a clue on what you need to do!
Please read for 10 minutes one of your reading books you have at home with you. If you have already read your reading books, I have created an account on oxford owl (link below) for you to have access to free ebooks. Just follow the link, click 'my class login' and enter the following details.
Username: misshinton
Passwork: Book1234
Once logged in, you can search for books based on their reading levels by searching 'levels' and then 'book bands'. If you can't remember your reading level, please drop me an email.
Please make an INFERENCE - Why has one of the characters chosen to do something? Remember - these types of questions are about what you THINK. This is to be discussed with your adult of choice.
So far, you've done really well looking at suffixes with the past and present tense. Now let's introduce you to some more!
Today we are going to continue our work on speech by revising our knowledge. Please watch the attatched video and join in with the lesson. I can't wait till we're back in the classroom so I can see who's following the rules of speech!
Today we are going to continue looking at pulse and rhythm. I got some really positive feedback from last week's lesson - I hope you enjoy this lesson as much!
Today we are going to be looking at how to say days of the week! I have attatched below a teacher example, a song to help you learn, and finally a quizlet game to see how much you understand. Can you tell me what day we are on today?