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Thursday 04.02.21

Three tasks to send in today: English, Maths and DT.  Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.


You Tube video links sent by email 

Maths: (1) 'In Focus & Let's Learn' (2) Guided Practice & Independent Practice

DT:  Task example.

9:00 – 10:00 English (SEND IN)

LO: To plan a narrative scene: first part of final scene.

This is lesson 4 of 8 in our final writing unit of the ‘Golden Compass’.  If you haven’t completed the other lessons, go back to last Friday’s lesson and complete the sequence of lessons from that point before attempting this lesson.  In this lesson, you will edit a short paragraph to correct mistakes before analysing the final narrative scene in detail. Your task today is to plan your final narrative outcome.


  1. Follow the lesson through, using the worksheet below to complete the mini-tasks throughout the lesson.

Mrs. Holdaway’s Group

As above but use the worksheet below.

10:00 – 10:45 Reading

LO: To establish a background knowledge of the story and create an initial impression. (Goodnight Mister Tom)

Today we are starting a new unit of work on an incredibly powerful story: Goodnight Mister Tom.  You will make some inferences by looking at book covers and pictures from World War II.  You will also generate your own questions.  Use the worksheet provided to help guide you through the mini-tasks throughout the lesson.

11:00 – 12:00 Maths (SEND IN) You Tube ‘Help Video’ sent by email

Maths No Problem

LO:  To express a missing number algebraically.

Make sure you have the You Tube video that goes over the ‘In Focus’, but also the ‘Guided Practice’ and the worksheet if needed.  


  1. Go through the ‘In Focus’ task with me on the video. Look for patterns.
  2. Complete the ‘Guided Practice’ on the worksheet, with me on the video.  Remember that you can type into the text boxes that I’ve put in for you.
  3. Worksheet.  Complete all questions – there’s only 2!

Extension: Complete the challenge question.  

Mrs. Holdaway’s Group

LO: To develop strategies to plan and solve problems (Part 2)

In this lesson you will exploring a series of shapes which grow in size by spotting patterns to find the rule of the pattern. Using this rule you will be able to then find out the number of shapes needed for any term in a sequence.

  1. Complete the ‘Magic Maths’ and ‘To Start’ (Slide 2 – if you have a printer) activity.
  2. Work through the main learning about sequences – use ‘Slide 3’ to helpe you if you have a printer.
  3. Complete the independent learning on ‘Slide 4’ by completing the table.  Try the challenge on ‘Slide 5’: use a calculator to help!
  4. Have a go at the exit quiz.

1:00 – 2:00 DT

LO: To be able to plan and design a burger to make. SEND IN  You Tube ‘Help Video’ sent by email

Today, you will be thinking about everything you have learned about burgers so far to help you design and plan your own.  You will need to think about the ingredients, method, flavours, cooking skills, assembling techniques and side options (even though you will only make the burger).  You can ignore the part that says about the ingredients the teacher will provide, as obviously you can have any ingredients that your parents/carers are willing to get for you!


  • Read the information in the slideshow.  
  • Watch the You Tube video.
  • Complete the worksheet to design and plan your burger!  Use the 'Menu Ideas Prompt' to help you think of a great menu - will you have an 'indian cuisine' focus or a 'spicy mexican'?  

2:00 – 3:00 MUSIC

LO:  Exploring 6 beats in a bar.

In this lesson, you are going to explore music with 6 beats in a bar.  You don’t need any special equipment for this lesson. 
