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Tuesday 26.01.21

Welcome to Tuesday's learning.


Please send in  Maths and English today.


Maths 26.01.21


LO: To be able to recognise 2-D shapes in the everyday environment.



Read the Let's Learn section to help you to understand the lesson. 


Task: Complete the worksheet  send in 



Phonics 26.01.21


Today's sound is ear


Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 



We are on now on RWI Set 3 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am.  Each day the phonics session comprises of two separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video and a spelling lesson video. You need to complete both sections.  I  have used a screenshot to clarify this.


Now have a go at reading the ear real and nonsense words below


English 26.01.21


LO: To use phonic knowledge to write labels and captions.


Today you will re-read the story and segment the story into its main events. You will choose between two events in the story to determine which came first and discuss how you know this. You will then use picture prompts and sentences to sequence events in the story in chronological order.


Look at two pictures from the Goldilocks story on the slide. Read the text with an adult. Work together to fill in the missing words and captions. Use your phonic knowledge to sound out and write some of the missing words.  Say the rest of the missing words orally.  Repeat this with the pictures on the following slides.  Now, look at the missing word on the slide. How many words can you think of that could fill the gap?


Task: Fill in the missing words (send in)  using your phonic knowledge





Today’s spelling words on the handwriting sheet are I is at be as they with his You do not need to print out the sheet, just write them on a piece of lined paper. If you finish the work quickly, then put the words into sentences. Don’t forget your finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.





We are continuing with our topic of Dreams and Goals. 

Mrs Entwhistle would like you to think about a time when you helped a friend and how it made you feel.  You can either print off the sheet or write this onto a sheet of paper.

PSHE Resources





Mr Ashby would like you to have a go at some cardio exercises in PE today.  Follow the links and instructions below


Sonic the Hedgehog Yoga



Tallulah the Owl


PE Instructions




Although we are not able to change your books at school every day, you do need to practice your reading skills.  Make time to do 10 minutes of reading with your adults before the end of the day. I have put a selection of reading books at different abilities for you to have a go at reading over the course of the week. Try to answer the comprehension questions with an adult, so that they know you have understood the book. You can of course, read a book of your own choice.
