Leigh Church of England Academy

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Yellow group-SENTENCE WRITING Practise writing the sound ’y’, check you have written it the right way round. Write a sentence using a word with the ‘y’ sound e.g. ‘The yak is big’.  Use your Fred-fingers to help you sound out your words and make sure you have a finger space between each word. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 sounds.







Green group- TWO SOUNDS Practise writing the sounds ’i’ & ‘l’.  Think of a word with for both r e.g. igloo, log. Write a sentence using a word for each sound e.g. ‘I can leap across the igloo’.  Use your Fred-fingers to help you sound out your words and make sure you have a finger space between each word. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 & 2 sounds.









Numbers to 20. Counting on from a given number. Using your number cards to 20, shuffle them and put in a pile face down. Take the top card and starting at that number, count on to 20. If your number card is 15 you would count 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 20. Keep going until you have used each card.


Continuing our theme of ‘Growing’ watch the video by following the link below. The teacher talks about the things we need to help us grow. You are challenged to make a bed for one of your toys at the end, so have a look around your home for a cardboard box if you have one. SEND IN


What does God look like? Leigh is a Church of England school and praying to God is part of our everyday routine. Have you ever pictured God when you are praying? Those who believe in God will have their own idea of what God looks like. Your task is to draw or paint a picture of God, and tell your grown up why you have represented God this way. Grown ups please email a picture of the drawing or painting and a quote from your child: 'I think God looks like this because...' These pictures and quotes will be displayed outside the headteachers office for the whole school to enjoy.

