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Week Beginning 19th February 2024


We have been settling back into Nursery after the half-term holiday and talking about what we did over the half-term break. 

On Wednesday we played a game called 'What Makes The Sound?'. We had to listen carefully to a sound then guess what made the sound out of 3 options. We then had to try and make the sound using our voices or body percussion. We guessed all the sounds correctly and were brilliant at making the different sounds! Miss Haslam was especially impressed with our helicopter and vacuum cleaner sounds!


Here we are singing some Jack Hartmann counting songs! We're really good at counting to 10. Click on the links below to hear a couple of our favourite songs by Jack!


Miss Haslam brought some daffodils into Nursery this week. Some of us had a go at painting pictures of the beautiful daffodils.  Have a look at what brilliant artists we are!


We’ve been doing lots of super independent learning during ‘Busy Learning Time’ this week!


Our focus author for this half term is 'Sue Hendra'. Here are some of her stories we have been reading this week...
