Yellow group-Practice writing the sound ’th’. Think of 3 words with the ‘th’ sound in e.g. thin, bath. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out-b-a-th-bath. Read the words below-look out for any alien words!
thin |
thop |
path |
thick |
then |
tham |
Green group-Practice writing the sound ’ay’. Think of 3 words with the ‘ay’ sound in e.g. pay, stay. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out-p-l-ay-play. Read the words below-look out for any alien words!
pay |
way |
say |
tlay |
clay |
flay |
Number bonds to 5 using the part-whole model. Use the work sheet below- if you cannot print it you can copy the models onto paper. The number in the top circle is 5, your challenge is to work out how many spots you need to draw in the empty circle to add to the others to make 5. If there are 3 spots, you will need to draw 2 spots in the empty circle because 3 add 2 equals 5. Please email a photo or comment to let me know how you get on.
Using the PowerPoint below, read the sentences on each slide. Choose 3 sentences and draw a picture to match, this will demonstrate your understanding of what you have read.
This term we will be learning about ‘People Who Help Us’ and today we are thinking about doctors. Visit the web address below to watch a video, this will help you explain what a doctor does. Doctors help people who are poorly or injured. Make a get-well card for somebody who might be poorly right now or make a thank you card for a doctor who has helped you. Please email me a photo of your card.