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Thursday 04.02.21

Welcome to Thursday's learning.


Please send in English and Maths work.


At some point today, I will be sending out another story link on Marvellous Me. The story is called Jack and The Beanstalk


Maths 04.02.21


LO: To count in multiples of  10


Can you use the number square to count forwards and backwards in 10s to 100?  Now see if you can do it off by heart.







Task: Colour in the multiples of 10 on your number square.     send in


Task: Can you write the numbers counting in 10s?  send in




Can you finish the sequence?


10, 20______    _______


20,30,_____     ______


100, 90 _____   ________


Can you challenge yourself?


If you were able to do that easily, see if you can challenge yourself with the challenge sheet. Choose your own level.


There are 3 levels

* easier

* a bit harder

*** hardest






We are now revisiting  Set 2 sounds. Our sound today is ou

Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 




We are on now on RWI Set 2 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am.  Each day the phonics session comprises of two separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video and a spelling lesson video. You need to complete both sections.  I  have used a screenshot to clarify this.




English  send in


LO: To write sentences containing ou and ow graphemes


Read What a Foul!

Highlight on the sheet or write a list of all of the words containing the grapheme ou.


Now read the ow sound button cards. ow brown cow


Can you think of any more ow words? If so, write them down.





Your adult will read the sentence out to you and you will write it down. Remember to count how many words are in the sentence. Don’t forget a capital letter and a full stop at the end of the sentence.


The cow was very loud.


Can you write a sentence containing an ou and ow grapheme? 




Can you use the conjunction and to join the two parts of a sentence together? Try it with an ou ow sentence.


For example


Please take the flowers out and put them in some water.

The loud noise made the people frown and the dog growl.







Please set aside some time to read with your child. I have posted some books below for you to choose from. Alternatively, you can of course read a book from home.





LO: To recall facts


Read the slides about Christopher Columbus with an adult.


Task: Now write 2 facts about Christopher Columbus and draw a picture of him. For example,


Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer.

He was born in 1451 in Italy.

He sailed to the Caribbean.
