Leigh Church of England Academy

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Year 1

Bubble Closure


Good morning everyone. We are back to remote learning for a few days but will return to school for one day on Wednesday 21st July. You all did amazingly well over the last lockdown, so remember to keep working hard, keep your brain busy and email your work to  year1@leigh.covmat.org




Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 




Each day the phonics session comprises of two separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video and a spelling lesson video. You need to complete both sections. Each week I will upload a timetable from the RWI Facebook page so you can see what we will be doing each day.


Have a look at reading the nonsense words on Picnic On Pluto. Click on phase 3, 4 or 5 to read the words. It’s free to play, and you don’t need to subscribe.



Thinking of you all,

Love from

Mrs Kirk and Mrs Farren
