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Thursday 11.2.21

Welcome to Thursday's home learning. Please send in English and Maths work today.


I will be sending out two Marvellous Me messages today. One is a story link to The  Bad Tempered Ladybird and the other is modelling sentences about the home picture.





LO: To add by making 10


Read the slides and complete the task.


Task: Read the slides and complete the task. send in


Challenge: If you would like to challenge yourself, have a look at the challenges. You could either do one challenge, two of the challenges or all three challenges.






We are revisiting  RWI Set 3 again. Today's sound is ow brown cow


I have also ticked the extra Read the Red Words sections too.


Challenge: If you have time you could have a go at the read and hold a sentence section too.



Click on the link below for the lesson.




Have a look at the ow real and nonsense words below and see if you can read them. Also, try and read the multisyllabic (longer words) too.



English send in


LO: To write about a picture using your phonic knowledge.


I will be sending out a video explanation about this today via Marvellous Me.


Task: To write a sentence about the picture.


Write at least 3 sentences.



For example, The dog is eating his food out of a bowl.

The cat is on the rug.


Challenge: To make it a bit harder you can challenge yourselfCan you use the conjunction and in your sentence?


The girl is sitting on a chair and is watching TV.





LO: To compare the lives and achievements of Neil Armstrong and  Christopher Columbus


Today we will be comparing Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. Firstly, read the slides for today's lesson. Look at the sentences on the slides. For each one, decide whether the sentence refers to Columbus or Armstrong, then check on the slides. What does this mean? Talk about what is the same and what is different about them.  


Task:  Complete the worksheet.


I have put an easier and  a harder version of the sorting sentences in the resources section to help, so choose the one appropriate for your child. Choose 2 things that are unique to Christopher Columbus, 2 things that are unique to Neil Armstrong and 2 things that are the same. If you do not have a printer, you can write one thing that is unique to Christopher Columbus, one thing that is unique to Neil Armstrong, and one thing that is the same to them both.





Here are RWI books to read with your child.  Please choose the level appropriate for your child and read parts of the book over a number of days.


When you read the book make sure that you read the How to read this book advice which appears at the beginning of every book. It is important that your child can read the speed sounds and understand and decode the vocabulary before reading the book. I have included the vocabulary cards that we use in school to help your child read the words.  Don't forget to ask them the comprehension questions too, so that you know they have understood what they have read.
