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Wednesday 24.02.21

Welcome to Wednesday’s remote learning. Please send in Maths and English today.



Please check your email for my English  Write a Speech Bubble video today



Maths send in


LO: To count back to subtract


Read the lesson presentation and complete the worksheet.


There are 3 different levels

* easiest

** a bit harder

*** hardest


Choose the level appropriate for your child. All answers and resources are attached to the worksheet.



If you feel up to it, why do challenge yourself? 





We are revisiting  RWI Set 3 again. Today's sound is  ire fire ire



I have also ticked the extra read the red words sections too. If you have time you could have a go at any of the other set 3 lessons, as they will all help you to improve your phonics.


Click on the link below for the lesson.




You can also use the resources below to help you. Why not have a go at reading the alien words?



English send in


Please check your email for my speech bubble video today.


LO:  To write a speech bubble 

Today you will be writing a speech bubble.  A speech bubble is a round shape next to the head of a character in which the character's thoughts and words are written.


First, read the speech bubbles that I have written and discuss with your adult which character in the story you think said them.


Now, can you write in the speech bubbles what the characters in the story said?  There are two speech bubbles; one for Little Red Riding Hood and one for the wolf.  Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 





LO: To order events in the Easter story.


Read the Easter story slides


Task: Cut the  Easter story pictures out and jumble them up. Now use your knowledge of the Easter story to order the pictures.



You can always watch the Easter story on the link below







Here are RWI books to read with your child.  Please choose the level appropriate for your child and read parts of the book over a number of days.


When you read the book make sure that you read the How to read this book advice which appears at the beginning of every book. It is important that your child can read the speed sounds and understand and decode the vocabulary before reading the book. I have included the vocabulary cards that we use in school to help your child read the words.  Don't forget to ask them the comprehension questions too, so that you know they have understood what they have read.
